بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful
"Glory to Thee, of knowledge We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: In truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom." [Qur'an 02:32]
All praise be to God for the opportunities and rezk' that He has blessed me thus far. Alhamdulillah, a naive attempt at my first maiden Photo Competition gave me a huge surprise when Jessicca from VivoCity called me earlier today to notify me that my shot clinched 2nd Prize in the Amateur Category. All results will be notified to The New Paper this Friday, 6 Nov 2009.
I dedicate this 'prize' to my loving and ever-supportive spouse and my son who have always been my source of INSPIRATION. Not forgetting all my Teachers and Photo Enthusiast Friends who in one way or another have aided me in my Photography Journey.
Special mention to my 'Sifu' Kliqueimages Amir Hamzah and Chegu Thamrin. Also to Kaveman Academy who have given me much exposure and FUN times! Thank you, one and ALL.
26 Oct – 12 Nov 2009, South Avenue, Level 1
Contest ended on 18th October 2009. Judging ended on 4th November 2009.
1st Prize: Nikon D90 camera with accessories worth $2,457 and $500 worth of VivoCity vouchers
2nd Prize: Nikon D5000 camera with lens worth $1,788
3rd Prize: Nikon D3000 camera with lens worth $988
1st Prize: $5,000 cash & $3,000 worth of VivoCity vouchers
2nd Prize: Nikon D300S camera with accessories worth $4,797 and $1,000 worth of VivoCity vouchers
3rd Prize: Nikon D90 camera with accessories worth $2,457 and $500 worth of VivoCity vouchers
Simply submit your creative shots expressing why VivoCity is 'your special place' for fun-filled moments and exciting experiences and stand a chance to win the above prizes.
Theme: "VivoCity. Make It Your Place" - Photographs capturing the people, the experiences, the activities or the moments shared in VivoCity that make VivoCity a place infused with energy and vitality. Share your special VivoCity moment and experience with an accompanying caption.
A final judging panel appointed by VivoCity will select the winners, from 40 short-listed photographs (out of 1,100 entries) selected by a pre-judging selection panel on the basis of the judging criteria.
Short-listed participants will be notified by phone or email. The short-listed photograph entries will be exhibited at VivoCity from 26 October to 12 November 2009.
Members of the public can participate in this contest by predicting the winner via SMS from 26 October to 2 November 2009. 10 winners will be picked based on (a) a random draw and (b) correct prediction of the first prize winner of any of the 2 categories from the 40 short-listed entries for “My VivoCity Photo Competition”.
Bring your friends and family to see the 40 short-listed entries that have aptly captured the energy and vitality of VivoCity. Who knows, your entry could be displayed!
To all the professional and ASPIRING photographers, go for this one! Enjoy yourselves and may the best photo wins!
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